Caston Massage Therapy

because you deserve to feel better


"You continually amaze me with your knowledge and how you can accurately pinpoint the muscle causing problems based on symptoms."   - Susan K, technical writer, Tallmadge, OH

“I am grateful to you as the absolute best practitioner of the healing art to which you have dedicated yourself.” - Jerry W, estate planner, San Clemente, CA

 “You have a gift” - Alice Peacock, singer/songwriter, Nashville, TN

"You are the best! You made my knots and pain go away!!" - Jose R, entrepreneur, Akron, OH

"Once again you worked your magic!  By the time I got home I realized I was feeling 200% better - both physically and mentally!" - Maryann A, Homemaker,  Stow, Oh

"I wish I could put this message on Angie's List for all to see, but am not familiar with that web site - that's how strongly I feel about my experience at Caston Massage Therapy. I posted my initial feedback, from my first medical massage therapy appointment and I just finished my second and possibly last medical massage therapy appointment. I know not all massage therapists are created equal - that just makes sense - but how lucky I was to find Anne Caston - when I had a medical condition come up. I had a frozen shoulder and needed surgical manipulation, along with a few months of physical therapy to get range of motion and muscle strength back. I was able to do this much quicker because I found out that, in addition to my orthopedic doctor and physical therapists, I could enhance my recovery with medical massage techniques. Wow! I don't have time for body parts not to work. I had two rather quick sessions and now I've been told that I'm good to go. If everything continues to work - no need to go back. When have you heard someone tell you that? Well, I heard it. Now - I will return for relaxation massages - I'm convinced. Anyway - from a regular working person - I wanted to share with you my review and I sure hope if you are in that situation that you try a medical massage session to help in specific areas. I'm so glad I did. Thanks Anne Caston for helping me heal and more healthy!  - COL Sharon J, US Army

"Anne does incredible work and that's a fact" - Steve D, self-employed woodcrafter

"I can't imagine a weekend without a Friday massage" - Gabor K, chemical engineer

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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